The content of this site is for general information purposes only. It should not be considered by a consumer or prospective client as providing personalized investment advice. All information and ideas should be discussed with your individual adviser prior to implementation.
United Advisors America does not warrant or make any representations that the contents of this site are appropriate for use in all locations or by all persons. United Advisors America also does not warrant or make any representations that the transactions, strategies, products, instruments or services discussed on this site are available in all jurisdictions.
United Advisors America is a Registered Investment Advisor registered with the states of AL, AR, CO, FL, GA, IA, IL, KS, KY, LA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NC, NJ, OH, OK, PA, TN, TX, VA and WI only. United Advisors America cannot and does not offer investment advisory services to residents of any other states. The presence of this website on the Internet shall in no direct or indirect way be interpreted or considered as suggesting that it is offering investment advisory services to residents of states in which it is not registered.
United Advisors America is neither an attorney nor accountant, and no part of the content of this website should be considered as legal, tax or accounting advice.
United Advisers America has selected Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. as primary custodian for our clients’ accounts. These materials have been independently produced by United Advisors America. United Advisors America is independent of, and has no affiliation with, Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. or any of its affiliates (“Schwab”). Schwab is a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC. Schwab has not created, supplied, licensed, endorsed or otherwise sanctioned these materials nor has Schwab independently verified any of the information in them. United Advisors America provides you with investment advice, while Schwab maintains custody or your assets in a brokerage account and will effect transactions for your account on our instruction. Having Schwab act as custodian for client assets provides us access to a wide range of services that help us serve our clients.